TIMING…. isn’t this what we all seem to be consumed with today. It is all about schedules, meetings, meeting deadlines and the list goes on. And of course, when will this pandemic be over? Isn’t it amazing that Our God does not adhere to our timing? Now that is not always an easy pill for us to swallow. I know for sure it is difficult for me. I imagine some of you may have experienced this. And yet, His best always comes to us according to His schedule of perfect timing doesn’t it?
I have been studying Ecclesiastes 3 while visiting “The Lake” this fall. Bible Scholars are not sure who wrote this book. Some think it may be King Solomon while others think it could be a teacher. We do know that it was inspired by God. Paul reminds us of this when he writes to Timothy. In 2nd Timothy 3:16 we are told “All scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness”.
Most of you who know me, know that “The Lake” is my favorite place to be, whether it be alone, or with my precious family and friends. I have spent many weeks here in my long life. I am almost sure that God created Seneca Lake just for me. Quite self-centered don’t ya think?
My dream was always to spend a month in the fall basking in the beauty of God’s creation and spending time here with family and friends. I just love how He designed our world in beautiful colors when He could have made it black and white. What love He has for us. And for a while I did not think this would ever happen. You see God had another plan for me to get me here. He wanted me to depend on him for this provision. He wanted to give me His best, but it would be in His time. And it would mean me giving up control and allow God to work on my behalf. You see He wanted me to trust Him and His beautiful provision that He had in store for me. Oh, me of little faith. I cannot believe how patient He is with us with His love and grace, even when we fight to get our own way.
Just a bit of background. I owned a cottage with my brother. I thought that I would be able to retire and spend my summer and fall months living at the lake. But it did not work out. None of this was a surprise to God. He knew all along that it was not right for me. God had a better plan for me but I did not believe that for a long time. I could not understand why and I was devastated. I fought the good fight to keep it, but looking back, it was all in vain. You see it was a building and He wanted me to understand that while a structure could be lost, His love for me could not. I needed to learn to depend on Him for His best for me. And the wonderful memories will always be there. However, I wanted what I wanted. I was so sure that God wanted me to have a cottage, I decided tried to buy one of my own. Guess what? God said NO. Again, I fought with God kicking and screaming. Please God let me have this. God once again said NO. I was so devastated. After all, didn’t God know I would use it to Glorify Him? I could not understand why God was saying no. I was sure I would never again experience life at the lake again, making memories with my family. We had been through so much loss already. Where were you God? Again, me of little faith!!
In Ecclesiastes 3:1 God says “There is a time for everything and a season for every activity under heaven” … Timing. Ecclesiastes 3:4 says “a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance” … Timing. In Ecclesiastes 3:6 “A time to search and a time to give up, a time to keep and a time to throw away” … Timing. In Ecclesiastes 3:7 A time to tear and a time to mend” …Timing. And then the amazing promise He give us in 3:11 “He makes all things beautiful in His time” ...Timing.
Here I am eight years later, at “The Lake” for a month, renting my cousin’s beautiful cottage that they purchased in 2019. And there is room for my children and grandchildren. I am right next to the cottages owned by my cousins, whom I cherish so much. My old cottage was a good couple of miles away so morning coffee talks would have been much harder to manage. So many beautiful morning conversations.
I am so grateful praising God for His love and provision. So much more than I ever imagined. He does it through His people. As I look at God’s timing, there was a long time of weeping, and mourning. Much longer than necessary because I did not trust. I am now dancing with joy. There were some things I needed to keep and some things I needed to throw away. God was so gentle and patient with me as I tried hard to keep something that He did not want me to have. And most importantly I had to accept a new plan so that I could align with God’s best for me.
Will we trust His timing? During this time of uncertainty, let us put our faith and trust knowing that none of this is a surprise to our Lord. Let us continue to answer our calling and move forward living out the purpose He has created for us to do. After all it is all about timing...He will make everything beautiful in His time.