Have you ever been so excited for something new to begin? Something you were waiting for with enthusiasm and patience.
I finished reflecting on 2022. I was ready for what God had in store for me in 2023. I was looking forward to a new year with anticipation and excitement of new projects and the things I would be learning.
I was concentrating on “Forget the former things, do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland” from Isaiah 43:18-19. These two verses have special meaning to me. They help to keep me grounded to embrace changes that come unexpectedly.
However, as life would sometimes have it, things didn’t go as I had planned. January 1st Covid began to attack my children and grandchildren one member at a time. On the 2nd of January I was walking with my friend and as I stepped down off the curb, something went terribly wrong in my knee, and I was unable to walk. Panic swelled up in me wondering how I was going to get home. Somehow, I made it to my car and drove home only to find I could not put any pressure on my knee. A quick call to my son and his wife and we were off to the Urgent Care Center. After x-rays were done, it was determined that it was not skeletal. I left the center on crutches wondering what in the world I was going to do. I had plans, places to go and people to see. I could not even get up without help.
I was not thinking about my verse, I was thinking how does this happen when God and I have these plans”? For the first time in my life, I needed help to function. Of course, all of the thoughts run through your mind when you are in your go-go years and all of a sudden everything comes to a halt. Am I on the cusp of my slow-go year? Is this what my life will be like down the road? What will happen to me?
After a trip to the Orthopedic Specialist, and some terrible pain a few nights later, something in my knee went back into place. After this happened, I was able to navigate a bit better. After much loving care from family and friends I am now up and am ready to navigate with a brace.
The brace is a reminder to me that we all need support and care in our lives. When we are used to being the supplier of support and care to others, it is quite different to be dependent on the suppliers.
God was making something new in my life. He taught me humility and grace as I was being ministered to by the wonderful people in my life. One of my friends brought over an ice thermos that continually pumps ice water into a brace to alleviate the swelling. Never knew they existed. What a blessing. Another dear friend was my uber driver to my doctors appt and my son and his wife cared for me with such love.
I have not been able to be with the rest of my family due to covid and so missed special time with my grandson who will be returning to college. I am so grateful that everyone is on the healing side of this virus.
I’m still not completely healed but am on the mend. After my self-pity went away, I found so much encouragement in Lamentations 3:22-24. “Because of the Lord’s great love, we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They are new every morning, great is your faithfulness. I say to myself, the Lord is my potion.”
I had the privilege of sharing the love of Jesus with a women’s group in Hershey Pennsylvania. Last week at this time I would not have been able to attempt to travel. I know that God is doing something new as some of these women have never heard a faith story of God’s goodness and grace. Sharing His love with these women is proof that His compassions are new every morning. Great is His faithfulness.
My pray is that you will be encouraged by our Lord who may be making something new in your life. May you remember that His compassion never fails. They are new every morning.